1. IT
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  3. EN

Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) Specialist Nurse


In Italy, the figure of the IPC nurse  was born in the 1980s with Circolare n. 52/1985 of the Ministry of Health which describes its main functions; later, with the Circolare 8/1988, it has been requested a dedicated nurse or head nurse for every 250-400 beds, taking into consideration the care setting in which it carries out its functions.   
The introduction of this job profile in the National Health System was a process that saw in the nineties the activation of specific training courses with the aim to provide the essential knowledge and tools useful for carrying out hospital infections control and surveillance activities. 

In the last twenty years, sporadic 1st level Master Courses have been promoted. 

Please see the ANIPIO Training section for details of the academic courses currently active. 


year 2021


Sole 24 Ore, Sanità Guida, [Scenari], Anno 2021 N.10 lunedì 13 dicembre


QuotidianoSanità, Lettere al direttore, 3 dicembre 2021
Infezioni ospedaliere e contenzioso medico legale


Guidance Documents


World Health Organisation, WHO - 2020


Canadian Patient Safety Institute, CPSI - 2019


World Health Organisation, WHO - 2016


European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, Stockholm: ECDC; 2013


Improving Patient Safety in Europe, IPSE - maggio 2008