Rilettura e commento dell’articolo di L. Wundavalli et al. How much is adeguate staffing for infection control? A deterministic approach through the lens of Workload Indicator of Staffing Need American Journal of Infection Control 48 (2020) 609−614
A cura di Lorenzin E.
[ASO Santa Croce e Carle – Cuneo]
Lo studio approccia la problematica della definizione del numero di ISRI per operare un congruo controllo sul rischio infettivo basandosi non solo sul rapporto tra posti letto e operatori ma anche sulla consapevolezza che le attività di controllo delle infezioni abbracciano ambiti di competenza più disparati, difficilmente riconducibili alla sola numerosità dei pazienti.
Utilizzando il metodo WINS e otto indicatori che prendono in esame specifici vincoli (ad es. il tipo di struttura, le tipologie e i carichi di lavoro degli addetti, dati statistici di natura clinica), si ottiene un coefficiente utile a valutare se il numero degli ISRI è sufficiente a un controllo adeguato.
The study published in the America Journal of Infection Control entitled: "How much is adequate staffing for infection control? A deterministic approach through the lens of Workload Indicator of Staffing Need "by LaxmiTej Wundavalli, Uma Shanker Agrawal, Sidhartha Satpathy, Baby Rani Debnath, Th Asanai Agnes approaches the problem of defining the number of ISRIs to operate a suitable risk control infectious, moving from the rigid parameter between beds and operators in the awareness that the control activities of infections related to assistance embrace the most disparate areas of competence, difficult to deduce from the number of patients. Through the use of the WINS method and through eight indicators that take into consideration various constraints including the type of structure, the types and workloads of the employees, clinical’s statistical data, it is possible to obtain a useful coefficient to assess whether the number of ISRIs is sufficient for an adequate control. This method allows you to dig in the ISRI complex professional reality and translate these variables into solid guidelines for health’s managers in order to operate a capillary infection control to protect the health of the population sewn on every single reality.