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Trasparent Administration


This is the section of the ANIPIO website dedicated to the free consultation, by citizens, of information concerning the organization and the activity of the entity, which can be consulted directly, without any need for identification by username and password.

The Transparent Administration aims to protect citizens and to promote participation and widespread forms of control over the activities of institutions and the use of public resources.

The published information is constantly updated according to the provisions of D.lgs.n. 33/2013  as amended by D.lgs. n. 97/2016, relating to the "Riordino della disciplina riguardante il diritto di accesso civico e gli obblighi di pubblicità, trasparenza e diffusione delle informazioni da parte delle pubbliche amministrazioni".

Responsible for transparency and corruption prevention is: Dr. Polonia Marta, email: tesoriere@anipio.it